A Holiday Message

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy Hannukah to all our friends and family. I wanted to take a minute of your time to address the importance of relationships during the holidays.

Sometimes, with all the presents, travel, and family interaction these days can seem overwhelming, but it’s important to take stock of the people you care about. Whether it be your friends, family, your barber, or your Uber driver. These people matter. Their perspectives in life may be different from yours. They may come from different worlds. Taking the time to say hello, meet eyes, and tell them that you hope they have a good day can mean a lot more than you think.

We live in a world where we must serve one another with compassion, consideration, and caring. Our relationships with those around us are what will drive our successes in life. We carefully analyze who we bring into our lives and how they enrich us, as do they to us. The people in our lives our what give us purpose and drive us to do better every day.

From our CEO Andrew Schaberg

 “The holidays are a time to enjoy together. It is important to set a precedent for being grateful. Giving isn’t just during the holidays, it is something that lasts forever.” Andrew Schaberg

Those people you see daily, your family, your coworkers, your friends, the gas station attendant, the relationships from big to small, they all have an impact on our lives. A positive interaction with your janitor, a cashier, a waiter, can mean the difference between a good day and a great one. We all have those long days but as we journey into 2018 take a moment to consider how we affect each other every day. Go above and beyond the normal call to humanity and build relationships with those you serve and those who serve you, a little extra caring goes a long way.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and a great Christmas as we head into the final days of 2017 and ready ourselves for the new year. Our message of ‘We Care More’ drives our purpose and fuels the fire of our 3R Guarantee, Relationships, Reliability, and Results, without our culture, we wouldn’t be here today.

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