Mega begins reading ‘The Thank You Economy’

It is time for Mega to start a new book for our weekly readings. We have finished Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover and moved onto Gary Vaynerchuk’s The Thank You Economy. Each book we read aloud together echoes the foundation of our 3R Guarantee, Relationships, Reliability, and Results. Building upon the core strengths of our principles so we can grow together to better those around us.

Gary is a proponent of how we approach our relationship with those we serve. It is important to recognize and develop relationships on a one-to-one basis. Every tweet, follower, a status update is critical to interact and reinforce our eagerness to serve.

Within this first chapter, the history of humanity and how the business has developed within the last century was discussed. How the internet and social media has impacted the way we treat those around us and serve those that need it.

Gary is of the mind that we have come full circle on how we treat our customers. Harking back to the days when you had a first name basis relationship with your butcher, those one to one relationships have returned through social media. Your social media reviews, your interactions through Facebook, they are now the basis for how the world perceives your brand and business.

Recognizing that from your butcher to your software, to your cleaning company, the impact you leave by maintaining digital and physical relationships will keep your business’s bottom line afloat well into the future is key. The critical part of those relationships is looking at your outreach not as a sales strategy but as a caring strategy. Your audience is your community and caring is a two-way street.

Look for more updates on our reading of ‘The Thank You Economy’ every Monday. We look forward to sharing our experience with you.

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